Our conference on science and IT.

Big Techday 24

Day of the Event

July 5th, 2024

Venue of the event


Here you can find the speakers we were able to win for Big Techday 2024, which took place at Motorworld Munich on July 5th.


Bulent Altan

Bulent Altan

Alpine Space Ventures, Founding Partner

Bulent Altan is a Founding Partner of Alpine Space Ventures. Bulent is a NewSpace veteran having spent his two decades i...

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Luca Becker

Luca Becker

TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Senior Consultant

Luca Becker works as a Senior Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting and has been actively engaged in software developm...

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Christoph Bergemann

Christoph Bergemann

TNG Technology Consulting, Principal Consultant

Christoph Bergemann is a consultant at TNG Technology Consulting GmbH. After studying mathematics at LMU Munich, he work...

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Dr. Marie Bieth

Dr. Marie Bieth

TNG Technology Consulting, Principal Consultant

After her PhD applying machine learning to medical imaging, Marie Bieth joined TNG Technology Consulting, where she now ...

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Anja Blacha

Anja Blacha

Anja Blacha is an extreme athlete who set a world record by skiing alone from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole in 5...

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Dr. Andreas Boose

Dr. Andreas Boose

Telefónica, Product Owner

Since completing his doctorate in medical research projects, interdisciplinary work and thinking outside the box have be...

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Anastasia Borovykh

Anastasia Borovykh

Liquid AI, Senior AI Scientist

Anastasia is a Senior AI Scientist at Liquid AI and an Assistant Professor in Machine Learning at the Department of Math...

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10:10 | Kohlebunker I

Mike Bracken

Mike Bracken

Public Digital, Partner

Mike Bracken CBE is a global digital leader who has led wholesale transformations of large institutions in the private a...

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Noam Brown

Noam Brown

OpenAI, AI Researcher

Noam Brown is an AI researcher at OpenAI investigating reasoning and self play. He co-created Libratus and Pluribus, the...

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Mathias Burger

Mathias Burger

TNG Technology Consulting, Principal Consultant

Mathias Burger is a Principal Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting and primarily works on AI projects in the fields o...

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Edoardo Carlesi

Edoardo Carlesi

Top Network S.p.A., Machine Learning Specialist

Born in Pisa, Italy, in 1983, I graduated in Theoretical Physics and spent 11 years in academia working in Madrid, Sydne...

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Chiara Dellantonio

Chiara Dellantonio

Chiara Dellantonio is a world-class speed puzzler, ranking top ten in multiple categories at both World Championships si...

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13:45 | Strietzel I + II

18:30 | Rollprüfstand I + II

Alberto Díaz Dorado

Alberto Díaz Dorado

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

Alberto Díaz is a Senior Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting, specializing in JavaScript, Node.js, Cloud (AWS), and ...

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Dr.-Ing. Christian Eberle

Dr.-Ing. Christian Eberle

Hilti Digital Marketing Services, Lead Data Scientist

Christian Eberle is a lead data scientist at Hilti Digital Marketing Services. After receiving his PhD in the field of c...

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Dr. Sebastian Eder

Dr. Sebastian Eder

Uniscon GmbH, CTO

Sebastian Eder is the CTO at Uniscon and heads the development department on both a personnel and technical level. He fo...

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Dr. Anja Eisenreich

Dr. Anja Eisenreich

Dr. Anja Eisenreich is strategy lead for circular economy and sustainable packaging at a large home appliance manufactur...

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Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert

Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert

FU Berlin, Professor of Quantum Physics

Jens Eisert is one of the most visible researchers worldwide on the theory of quantum computing. He is known for rigorou...

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Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elkarmoty

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elkarmoty

Cairo University, Assistant Professor and Director of Rock Engineering Laboratory

Mohamed Elkarmoty holds a B.Sc. (2009) and M.Sc. (2013) in Mining Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering at Cairo U...

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Thomas Endres

Thomas Endres

TNG Technology Consulting, Managing Partner

Thomas Endres is a Managing Partner at TNG Technology Consulting in Munich. Besides his "normal" work for the ...

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Fabian Engelniederhammer

Fabian Engelniederhammer

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

Fabian Engelniederhammer is a Senior Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting. His focus is agile software development as...

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Dr. Dr. Regina Finsterhölzl

University of Konstanz, Scientific Researcher

Regina Finsterhölzl holds a doctorate both in physics and in history and researches the development of quantum computers...

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Martin Förtsch

Martin Förtsch

TNG Technology Consulting, Principal Consultant

Computer scientist Martin Förtsch is a Principal Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting GmbH based in Unterföhring near...

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Benedikt Göppner

Benedikt Göppner

Verlag C.H.Beck, Head of Software and Product Development, beck-online

Benedikt has been Head of Software and Product Development beck-online at Verlag C.H.Beck since 2020. He previously deve...

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Gerhard Gossen

Gerhard Gossen

TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Senior Consultant

Computers must serve people, not the other way around. Based on this conviction, Gerhard Gossen, Senior Consultant at TN...

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9:00 | Röhrl / Geistdörfer

Prof. Dr. Heiko von der Gracht

Prof. Dr. Heiko von der Gracht

Steinbeis University, Professor for Futurology

Prof. Dr. Heiko von der Gracht is one of the leading experts in futurology and technology forecast. In the Stanford/Else...

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Andrei Gramada

Andrei Gramada

CompuGroup Medical, Frontend developer

Andrei Gramada is a Frontend developer at CompuGroup Medical. Over the last six years, he has contributed to projects th...

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Prof. Dr. Christian Große

Prof. Dr. Christian Große

TUM, Lehrstuhl für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung

Prof. Christian U. Große studied geophysics at the University of Karlsruhe. In 1996 he received his doctorate in civil e...

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Casey Handmer

Casey Handmer

Terraform Industries, First Ink Prize Winner Vesuvius Challenge

Casey Handmer is the founder of Terraform Industries, a company building synthetic natural gas from sunlight and air. He...

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Lukas Hauser

Lukas Hauser

TNG Technology Consulting, Principal Consultant

Lukas has had a passion for professional software development for more than ten years. After he finished his computer sc...

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14:55 | Rollprüfstand I + II

Prof. Dr. Dirk Henrici

Prof. Dr. Dirk Henrici

Munich University of Applied Sciences, Professor für Rechnernetze

Dirk Henrici has bridged the gap between network and IT at Telefónica Germany for 13 years. He has been responsible for ...

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Lars Hinrichs

Lars Hinrichs

UBS Digital Art Museum, Founder

Lars Hinrichs is a passionate entrepreneur, investor and visionary. He lives by his motto: “Everything that can be digit...

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9:00 | Kleine Lokhalle

Maximilian Huber

Maximilian Huber

TNG Technology Consulting, Principal Consultant

Maximilian Huber is an open source compliance nerd and principal consultant at TNG Technology Consulting, where he is sp...

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Tobias Jäger

Tobias Jäger

Elara Aerospace, Head of Strategy

Tobias is a postgraduate of Mechanical Engineering currently pursuing a master's in Medical Technology at the Techni...

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10:10 | Kleine Lokhalle


Brian Katz

Brian Katz

Sorbonne Université, Institut ∂'Alembert, Research Director

Brian F.G. Katz is CNRS Research Director at the Sorbonne Université, Institut ∂'Alembert, in the group Lutheries - ...

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Dr. Maximilian Kiesel

Dr. Maximilian Kiesel

TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Senior Consultant

Maximilian discovered his interest in programming while studying physics. After successfully completing his doctorate, h...

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Konstantin Knauf

Konstantin Knauf

Confluent, Apache Flink PMC, Product Management

Konstantin Knauf is a member of the Apache Flink PMC and director of product management at Confluent heading their Strea...

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Dr. Carmen Köhler

Dr. Carmen Köhler

P3R GmbH, Analog Astronaut, AI and Data Expert, Entrepreneur

After her training as a hairdresser, Carmen Köhler studied maths and obtained a PhD in physics. As an analogue astronaut...

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11:30 | Dampfdom

Sebastian Kuhnert

Peter Pan Ventures

Sebastian Kuhnert, former Vice President of Business Development at Chess.com, has experienced and shaped the digitalisa...

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Dr. Stefan Kunkel

Dr. Stefan Kunkel

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

Stefan Kunkel is a Senior Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting and a full-stack developer with a focus on the backend...

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Adrian Leutner

Adrian Leutner

Elara Aerospace, Technical Lead

Adrian is a skilled mechanical engineer with a standout achievement as a Technical Co-Lead at TUM Boring - Innovation in...

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10:10 | Kleine Lokhalle

Bernd Lintermann

Bernd Lintermann

Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (ZKM)

As an artist and researcher at the ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Bernd Lintermann has been passionately concerned with...

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Spencer Lisenby

Spencer Lisenby

DSKinetic, Prototype Developer

Spencer Lisenby graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt University with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and currently...

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Gaia Lombardo

Gaia Lombardo

WARR Space Robotics, CRATER Project Lead

Gaia Lombardo is CRATER Project Lead of the team. During her first year, she was responsible for the wheel-suspension de...

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Francisco Javier Roa López

Francisco Javier Roa López

Best Secret GmbH

Francisco Javier Roa López serves as Principal Engineer at BestSecret. With 15 years of experience as a Fullstack Softwa...

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Achim Lücking

Achim Lücking

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

Achim Lücking is a Senior Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting GmbH. After completing his studies in computer science...

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Brendan Mance

Brendan Mance

WARR Space Robotics, Team Leader

Brendan Mance has been a member of WARR Space Robotics since October 2018. As a new recruit, he assisted both in the PR ...

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Dr. Mark Mattingley-Scott

Dr. Mark Mattingley-Scott

Quantum Brilliance, Chief Revenue Officer & General Manager EMEA

Mark Mattingley-Scott has a Bachelor of Science with Joint Honours in Computing and Electronics, and a Doctor of Philoso...

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Jonas Mayer

Jonas Mayer

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

Jonas Mayer works in the Innovation Hacking Team of TNG Technology Consulting where his main focus lies on creating inno...

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Robert Metzger

Robert Metzger

Confluent, Staff Software Engineer

Robert Metzger is a Staff Software Engineer at Confluent, working on products based on Apache Flink. Besides this role, ...

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Youssef Nader

Youssef Nader

Freie University Berlin

Youssef Nader is an Egyptian computer scientist and a PhD student at the Freie University of Berlin, working on explaina...

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Prof. Dr. John Ousterhout

Prof. Dr. John Ousterhout

Stanford University, Bosack Lerner Professor of Computer Science

John Ousterhout is the Bosack Lerner Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. In the past he has founded tw...

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Dr. Marco Pfirrmann

Dr. Marco Pfirrmann

TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Software Consultant

Marco Pfirrmann is a Software Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting with a background in experimental solid-state phys...

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Laurent Ploix

Laurent Ploix

Gradle Inc., Product Manager

Laurent Ploix has worked in the Development Productivity Efficiency domain for over 15 years, contributing to both the F...

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David Poirier-Quinot

David Poirier-Quinot

Sorbonne University, Institut ∂'Alembert, Researcher

David Poirier-Quinot is a researcher, presently focused on sound spatialisation, perception, and room acoustics simulati...

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Fabian Pottbäcker

Fabian Pottbäcker

TNG Technology Consulting, Software Consultant

Fabian Pottbäcker is a software consultant at TNG Technology Consulting GmbH in Berlin. He currently focuses on backend ...

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Vincent Preuss

Vincent Preuss

Elara Aerospace, Head of Sales

Vincent just finished his Abitur and will continue studying Management & Technology at the Technical University of M...

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10:10 | Kleine Lokhalle


Felix Reinfurt

Felix Reinfurt

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

Felix Reinfurt is Senior Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting GmbH with a background in Computer Science. He has expe...

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Tom Luca Reinhardt

Tom Luca Reinhardt

Elara Aerospace, CEO & Founder

Tom Luca is the CEO & founder of Elara Aerospace. He is studying Aerospace at the University of Applied Sciences in ...

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10:10 | Kleine Lokhalle

Dr. Arved Reising

Dr. Arved Reising

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

Arved Reising is Senior Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting with a background in chemistry. He works as a full-stack...

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Ulf Richter

Ulf Richter

BMW Group, Lead CoP Testing & SDM Cloud Architecture

Ulf Richter is the Process Owner for software development at BMW Group IT. He is responsible for “Cloud Architecture Con...

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9:00 | Röhrl / Geistdörfer

Cor­ne­li­us Rö­mer

Cor­ne­li­us Rö­mer

Neherlab Biozentrum Basel, Staff Scientist

Cornelius Roemer is a Staff Scientist in Richard Neher's Pathogen Evolution Group at the University of Basel. He gra...

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Gabriela Rojas

Gabriela Rojas

Yara Farming Solutions Europe, Product Director

Gabriela Rojas works as Product Director at Yara Farming Solutions Europe, supporting her team on creating appealing dig...

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Grant Sanderson

Grant Sanderson


Grant Sanderson is the author of the mathematics YouTube channel 3Blue1Brown, with over 6 million subscribers, and 400 m...

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16:15 | Dampfdom

Ludwig Sapper

Ludwig Sapper

WARR e.V., Project Leader

As a student at the Technical University of Munich, I am currently leading an exciting project at WARR Rocketry, a stude...

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Dr. Florian Schepers

Dr. Florian Schepers

TNG Technology Consulting, Software Consultant

Florian Schepers is a Software Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting. After completing his PhD in Physics, he swapped ...

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Julian Schilliger

Julian Schilliger

Julian Schilliger is a Digital Archeologist. Digital archeology started for him as a balance during his studies at ETH Z...

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Prof. Dr. Matthias Schott

Prof. Dr. Matthias Schott

FASER Collaboration, Chairman

Matthias Schott is interested in various topics in particle physics but also beyond. His research focus was mainly on el...

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Dr. Michael Schüßler

Dr. Michael Schüßler

TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Head of Operations

Michael Schüßler is Head of Operations and Legal Counsel at TNG Technology Consulting. Besides general civil law and IT ...

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Joshua Sebastiampillai

Joshua Sebastiampillai

MTU / EFM-Lease, Digitalization Manager and Engineer

Joshua Sebastiampillai is a Digitalization Manager and Engineer at MTU Maintenance Lease Services B.V. He is the product...

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16:15 | Röhrl / Geistdörfer

Dr. Matthias Silbernagl

Dr. Matthias Silbernagl

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

After his PhD on mathematically optimizing power plant schedules, Matthias Silbernagl joined TNG Technology Consulting, ...

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Dr. Lukas Taegert-Atkinson

Dr. Lukas Taegert-Atkinson

TNG Technology Consulting, Full-Stack Entwickler

After finishing his PhD studying the mathematical properties of black holes at the University of Bayreuth, Lukas decided...

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Izar Tarandach

Izar Tarandach

With more than 25 years of security experience, Izar Tarandach is the co-author of 'Threat Modeling: A Practical Gui...

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Franz Thoma

Franz Thoma

TNG Technology Consulting, Principal Consultant

Franz Thoma is Principal Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting in Munich, Software
Engineer, Product Owner, and Functio...

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Sebastian Walther

Sebastian Walther

Audi Business Innovation GmbH, Tech Lead Content On Demand

Sebastian Walther is tech lead for the team AVP Content On Demand at Audi Business Innovation GmbH. After various projec...

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Dr. Dan Zecha

Dr. Dan Zecha

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

Dan Zecha, Senior Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, already discovered his fascination for machine learning ...

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