This was our

Big Techday 10

9:00 to 9:55


I - Ballsaal

Artificial Intelligence

Strategies for AI Deployment


Henrik Klagges

II - Raum Sydney

Hardware & Reality Hacking

Competing for the Future of Transportation


Martin Riedel

III - Raum Atlanta


Convergence of Real-Time Analytics and Data-Driven Applications


Kostas Tzoumas

IV - Raum Garmisch

IT Security & Privacy

New Rules for Data Protection: The Basic Data Protection Act and the new Federal Law for Data Protection as a Challenge for Practice


Prof. Dr. Gregor Thüsing

V - Raum Partenkirchen

Tools & Methods

Check_MK - Software Architecture away from Mainstream


Mathias Kettner

VI - Raum Barcelona

Tools & Methods

DevOps with Python


Dr. Helge Aufderheide

10:05 to 11:00


I - Ballsaal

Artificial Intelligence

If AI Takes your Job, will It Find you a New One?


Jenny v. Podewils

II - Raum Sydney

Hardware & Reality Hacking

The Most Efficient Electric Vehicle in the World


Alexander Hammerl

Andreas Zimmerer

III - Raum Atlanta


Machine Learning at Xero


Dr. Kathryn Hempstalk

IV - Raum Garmisch

IT Security & Privacy

License Management when using Open Source Software


Dr. Till Jaeger

V - Raum Partenkirchen

Tools & Methods

Cloudy with a Chance of Test Failures


Dr. Johannes Ebke

Dr. Martin Höfling

VI - Raum Barcelona

Research & Innovation

Calculating Correlated Materials


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schollwöck

11:30 to 12:30


I - Ballsaal

Artificial Intelligence

Driverless from Scratch


Stan Guerassimov

Tobias Spath

II - Raum Sydney

Hardware & Reality Hacking

Birdly - the Ultimate Dream of Flying


Max Rheiner

III - Raum Atlanta

Tools & Methods

Restarting the Browsers Wars


Jean-Paul Schmetz

IV - Raum Garmisch

IT Security & Privacy

The Art of Fuzzing - with Applications to L4Re


Dr. Daniel Loebenberger

V - Raum Partenkirchen

Tools & Methods

Software Defined Storage for Virtualization, Big Data, and more


Paul Emmerich

VI - Raum Barcelona

Computer & Games

Sampling Chess: Methods from Statistical Physics


Prof. Dr. Thomas Voigtmann

13:45 to 14:40


I - Ballsaal

Tools & Methods

Scaling Architecture @ Zalando


Felix Müller

II - Raum Sydney

Hardware & Reality Hacking

The 835 km/h Sailplane and Dynamic Soaring


Spencer Lisenby

III - Raum Atlanta


Big Data Management in Oncology


Prof. Dr. Martin Dugas

IV - Raum Garmisch

Tools & Methods

Haxl: Making Concurrency Unreasonably Easy


Simon Marlow

V - Raum Partenkirchen

Artificial Intelligence

Semantic Reasoning Methods Applied to Robots to Infer Human Activities


Dr. Karinne Ramirez Amaro

VI - Raum Barcelona

Computer & Games Community-powered Online Gaming


Thibault Duplessis

14:50 to 15:45


I - Ballsaal

IT Security & Privacy

Hacking for Everyone – a Different Approach to IT Security


Tobias Schrödel

II - Raum Sydney

Hardware & Reality Hacking

Engineering with Toys: Exploring Advanced Mechanics with Lego Pieces


Paweł Kmiec

III - Raum Atlanta

Tools & Methods

Agile Architecture – How much Stability does Agility Tolerate?


Gerhard Müller

IV - Raum Garmisch

Programming Languages

Thinking in Functional Style


Dr. Venkat Subramaniam

V - Raum Partenkirchen

Artificial Intelligence

To the Nash Equilibrium: Computing Strategies with Algorithms of the Counterfactual Regret Minimization-Family


Michael Schubert

16:15 to 17:15


I - Ballsaal


Predicting Intimate Traits from Digital Footprints


Dr. Michal Kosinski

II - Raum Sydney

Hardware & Reality Hacking

Beam me up - Holographic Telepresence with the Hololens


Thomas Endres

Martin Förtsch

III - Raum Atlanta

Tools & Methods

10 Reasons why Scrum can not Work. And why we are Successful Anyway!


Dr. Markus Friedrich

IV - Raum Garmisch

Artificial Intelligence

The TNG Table Football AI-Bot Prototype


Dr. Gerrit Buse

Dr. Helge Krüger

et al.

19:00 to 0:00


I - Ballsaal

Artificial Intelligence

Super-Human AI for Strategic Reasoning: Beating Top Pros in Heads-Up No-Limit Texas Hold’em


Prof. Tuomas Sandholm

Noam Brown


Artificial Intelligence

Computer & Games


Hardware & Reality Hacking

IT Security & Privacy

Programming Languages

Research & Innovation

Tools & Methods



Dr. Karinne Ramirez Amaro

Dr. Karinne Ramirez Amaro


Dr. Karinne Ramirez Amaro is a Post-doctoral researcher at the Chair for Cognitive Systems (ICS). She finished her Ph.D....

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Dr. Helge Aufderheide

Dr. Helge Aufderheide

Siemens Mobility, Data Analytics

If there is one word that describes Helge Aufderheide, it is "curiosity", leading him to a widely-scoped study...

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Noam Brown

Noam Brown

OpenAI, AI Researcher

Noam Brown is an AI researcher at OpenAI investigating reasoning and self play. He co-created Libratus and Pluribus, the...

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Dr. Gerrit Buse

Dr. Gerrit Buse

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

Dr. Gerrit Buse: After receiving his diploma in computer science from the University of Stuttgart Gerrit continued his r...

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Prof. Dr. Martin Dugas

Prof. Dr. Martin Dugas

WWU Münster, Direktor des Instituts für Medizinische Informatik (IMI)

Prof. Dr. Martin Dugas is Director of the Institute for Medical Informatics (IMI) at the University of Münster. He is a ...

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Thibault Duplessis

Thibault Duplessis, OSS-Entwickler, Gründer

Thibault Duplessis is the founder and main developer of He built backends and frontends for web application...

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Dr. Johannes Ebke

Dr. Johannes Ebke

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

Johannes Ebke is Senior Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting. Formerly analyzing data on the grid as a particle physi...

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Paul Emmerich

Paul Emmerich

croit GmbH, Mitgründer und Technischer Leiter

Paul Emmerich is a Ph.D. student at the Technical University of Munich at the Chair for Network Architectures and Networ...

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Thomas Endres

Thomas Endres

TNG Technology Consulting, Managing Partner

Thomas Endres is a Managing Partner at TNG Technology Consulting in Munich. Besides his "normal" work for the ...

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Martin Förtsch

Martin Förtsch

TNG Technology Consulting, Principal Consultant

Computer scientist Martin Förtsch is a Principal Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting GmbH based in Unterföhring near...

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Dr. Markus Friedrich

Dr. Markus Friedrich

Syskron GmbH

Markus Friedrich studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich and completed a doctorate on produ...

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Stan Guerassimov

Stan Guerassimov

TUfast Driverless Team 017

Stan Guerassimov studies computer science at the Technische Universität München and develops control algorithms at TUfas...

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Alexander Hammerl

Alexander Hammerl

TUfast Eco Team, Technischer Leiter

Alexander Hammerl studies Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. He came to TUfast due to his Bac...

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Dr. Kathryn Hempstalk

Dr. Kathryn Hempstalk

Xero, Senior Data Scientist

Dr Kathryn Hempstalk has an extensive background in machine learning, artificial intelligence and data science. She stud...

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Dr. Martin Höfling

Dr. Martin Höfling

TNG Technology Consulting, Principal Consultant

Martin is a Principal Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting and focuses on cloud native technology and architecture of...

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Dr. Till Jaeger

Dr. Till Jaeger

Kanzlei JBB Rechtsanwälte, Partner

Till Jaeger has been a partner of JBB Rechtsanwälte since 2001 and has a special emphasis on the legal issues of open so...

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Dr. Sven Käbisch

Dr. Sven Käbisch

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

Dr. Sven Käbisch: After being born and raised in Berlin, Sven early began to develop an interest in questions concerning...

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Mathias Kettner

Mathias Kettner

Check_MK, Entwickler

Mathias Kettner studied computer science in Munich, worked as a developer at SUSE during the big Linux start-up period f...

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Henrik Klagges

Henrik Klagges

TNG Technology Consulting, Managing Partner

Henrik Klagges studied physics in Munich and computation at the University of Oxford (MSc). He was a member of the IBM P...

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Paweł Kmiec

Paweł Kmiec

I'm Pawel, known as Sariel, based in Warsaw, Poland, and I have 13 years of experience in building custom LEGO model...

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Dr. Michal Kosinski

Dr. Michal Kosinski

Stanford Graduate School of Business, Assistant Professor für Organizational Behaviour

Michal Kosinski is the Assistant Professor in Organizational Behavior at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford Unive...

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Dr. Helge Krüger

Dr. Helge Krüger

TNG Technology Consulting

Dr. Helge Krüger: Being born in Germany, Helge went to Rice University for his Doctors and to Caltech for his Post Docs ...

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Spencer Lisenby

Spencer Lisenby

DSKinetic, Prototype Developer

Spencer Lisenby graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt University with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and currently...

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Dr. Daniel Loebenberger

Dr. Daniel Loebenberger

genua GmbH, IT-Sicherheitsexperte

Daniel Loebenberger obtained his doctorate in computer science from the University of Bonn in 2012, where he researched ...

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Simon Marlow

Simon Marlow

Facebook, Softwareentwickler

Simon Marlow is a Software Engineer on Facebook’s Abuse Detection Systems team in London. He is working on Haxl, a Haske...

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Gerhard Müller

Gerhard Müller

TNG Technology Consulting, Partner

Gerhard Müller has studied computer science at the Technische Universität München and is co-founder and partner of TNG T...

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Felix Müller

Felix Müller

Zalando, Architekt

Felix Müller works as an architect at Zalando SE in Berlin, developing the next generation of the Zalando platform. He i...

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Jenny v. Podewils

Jenny v. Podewils

Leapsome GmbH, Mitgründerin

Jenny v. Podewils is an economist and entrepreneur, educated at the University of Oxford and University of St. Gallen. J...

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Max Rheiner

Max Rheiner

Somniacs, CTO

Max Rheiner is head of the Master Design Interaction Program at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHDK), where he has b...

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Martin Riedel

Martin Riedel

Hyperloop Team der WAAR von der TUM

Martin Riedel was leading the navigation and control subsystem in the WARR Hyperloop team, where he was responsible to e...

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Prof. Tuomas Sandholm

Prof. Tuomas Sandholm

Carnegie Mellon University

Tuomas Sandholm is Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in the Computer Science Department, with affiliate professor ...

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Jean-Paul Schmetz

Jean-Paul Schmetz

Cliqz, Burda, Gründer und CEO, Chief Scientist

Jean-Paul is the Chief Scientist of Hubert Burda Media - a global media company. He is also the founder and CEO of Cliqz...

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Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schollwöck

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schollwöck

LMU München, Professor für Theoretische Physik

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schollwöck, born in 1967 in Munich; theoretical Physicist (quantum particle systems). He studied physic...

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Tobias Schrödel

Tobias Schrödel

stern TV

Tobias Schrödel is IT-Specialist, IT-security-expert and acts as computer-expert on TV. After working as a consultant in...

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Michael Schubert

Michael Schubert

TNG Technology Consulting, Senior Consultant

Since March 2017 Michael Schubert is working in an inhouse research project at TNG Technology Consulting, studying the l...

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Tobias Spath

Tobias Spath

TUfast Driverless Team 017

Tobias Spath is studying mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich and develops an actuator system at...

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Dr. Venkat Subramaniam

Dr. Venkat Subramaniam

Agile Developer, Inc., Gründer

Dr. Venkat Subramaniam is an award-winning author, founder of Agile Developer, Inc., creator of, and an...

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Prof. Dr. Gregor Thüsing

Prof. Dr. Gregor Thüsing

Instituts für Arbeitsrecht und Recht der sozialen Sicherheit der Universität Bonn, Direktor

Prof. Dr. Gregor Thüsing, LL.M (Harvard) is a board member of the Association for Data Protection and Data Security e. V...

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Kostas Tzoumas

Kostas Tzoumas

data Artisans, Gründer und Geschäftsführer

Kostas Tzoumas is co-founder and CEO of data Artisans, the company founded by the original creators of Apache Flink. Kos...

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Prof. Dr. Thomas Voigtmann

Prof. Dr. Thomas Voigtmann

Institut für Materialphysik im Weltraum des DLR, HHU Düsseldorf

Professor Thomas Voigtmann received his PhD in physics from the TU München in the field of the theory of glasses in 2003...

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Andreas Zimmerer

Andreas Zimmerer

TUfast Eco Team, Platinen- und Softwareentwickler

Andreas Zimmerer has been a member of the TUfast Eco team since his first semester in Computer Science. There he is resp...

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